It has sucked so bad not having internet for almost an entire month. We've had some HORRIBLE technical issues with AT&T. Before I get into a huge rant, all I will allow myself to type is that AT&T has VERY piss poor communication in their company and with their customers. I called every day for 3 weeks trying to explain the issue with our internet. Miss communication was just horrible amongst their technical support.
ANYWAYS. On to my red-neck light box. I just made this last night so I can take higher quality photos of my charms. The tutorial I used can be found here. It is an amazing and dirty cheap method. I spend $0 since I had all of the supplies on hand (I am an artistic hoarder) I went a bit crazy with the blue painter's tape. The light is a heat lamp I refused to throw out when my turtle escaped ;_; I am so glad I kept it!
I took these two photos using the light box. I am absolutely in love with it and suggest anyone who needs to take photos of objects make one of these! It took me maybe an hour to make and was well worth it. I usually make a huge mess when building stuff, but this was pretty clean.
Reminds me of all the ghetto-rigged equipment from my amateur filmmaking days.